I love running...
Because it gives ME my own identity. I'm not just a mom. I'm a RUNNER.
Because people tell me I can't or shouldn't. Say those words, and you can guarantee I WILL.
Because it feels good.
Because even when it doesn't feel good, it feels good
Because I love the sweat.
Because I love the hills.
Because the best showers are post-run showers.
Because it's taught me to push myself.
Because I can push and explore my limits.
Because I sleep better and deeper at night.
Because it keeps sickness away.
Because it reduces stress.
Because it fills me with positive emotions.
Because running to music feels like dancing.
Because it's the one thing I know I can accomplish in a day.
Because it makes me feel unconquerable.
Because I could probably outrun any attacker.
Because of the sprint to the end.
Because it gives me a quantitative way to track my fitness progress.
Because my kids are watching and learning. They think they're runners to.
Because it is fun.
Because races are addicting.
Because early-morning runs allow me to see the sunrise.
Because it gives me freedom.
Because no other exercise compares.
Because it's ME time.
Because monster mom becomes happy mom.
Because when I'm done, I feel like I can conquer the world.
Because I can.