Wednesday, March 16, 2011


day 1: recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts about you

Not the best picture, but the most recent one I have.

Now here are the 15, probably not very interesting, facts about muah:

{1} After watching American Idol this season, I have really began to love Jennifer Lopez she is just so dang beautiful!

{2} I am the first in my family to graduate college with a degree, barely before my little sis

{3} I have never ever been to Disney Land

{4} I have the 2 most handsome boys you will ever see, they are my life

{5} I married my high school sweetheart

{6} I am in school for Dental Hygiene, which requires a lot of time and dedication

{7} Before getting married, I lived 3 hours away from Josh, had my own house, worked full time, attended school full time, and was raised my kids by myself. It was a hard time but such a great time for me to grow.

{8} My addiction is going to the lake. I have ALWAYS been a huge fan of boating and really anything to do with the lake. When I see a lake on tv, I crave going there.

{9} My favorite food is my dad's steaks. Best EVER!

{10} I seem to retain things really well when it comes to school, but tend to be very forgetful about other things

{11} I get asked almost everyday if my boys are twins. Sometimes it feels like they are.

{12} I love having my boys only 14 months apart. They are best friends

{13} Being a mom is truly the best thing in this world.

{14} I will do anything for my family and friends. I will always put them first and whenever one of them needs help, they can always count on me. I will drop anything for them.

{15} I am a really good listener. I love when people talk to me and tell me anything.

There you have it, my not so interesting facts about me. Now time to go study for a test I have in a few hours. Wish me luck! Hope everyone has a great day!


  1. I am glad you finally updated your blog. It is about time. Haha, I am thinking maybe I will also start one of these 30 days things....cuz when I am done, it will mean that Will is almost here! Yay!

  2. I can't believe you've never been to Disneyland. You need to go. Tomorrow. Seriously, I LOVE Disneyland. Tim and I have been almost every year since we were married. I have to change the channel when the Disneyland commercials come on because they seriously make me want to go right then!
    Good luck with Hygiene school! It was seriously the hardest two years of my life...but totally worth it.
    I'm glad you're doing the 30 day challenge! I've thought about doing it...but I haven't yet. Maybe someday... :)
